Whiskers Pet Care

Reiki for Animals #01

Reiki for Animals

Many people know about the valuable health benefits a
Reiki treatment can bring to a person, but did you know
that animals can benefit equally well? In fact, animals generally respond better to Reiki than us humans as
their heads aren't full of the stuff that ours are - helps
them to feel and appreciate the energy better.

A Reiki treatment can help your pet to recover after an illness or operation, or can be just a calm, relaxing experience. Because of its calming nature, Reiki can
also help stressed or nervous animals, and may help
to get to the cause of some behavioural problems.

What is Reiki?
Very simply, Reiki means Universal Life Force energy.
Every smallest part of every Human Being, all living things, and everything on the planet is ultimately just energy. Without getting too scientific, all matter is energy - and the better the flow of energy, the more healthy the person, animal or plant is. This is not just in the physical sense, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Energy can become blocked for many reasons - frequently through physical injury or stress, and the two are always very closely linked. When an energy blockage takes place, the individual becomes unwell. Illness can be caused by, or cause, stress and emotional distress - it's a very circular problem, and will continue until something happens to provide relief. A Reiki treatment will help the energy to flow freely again.

Animals don't talk to us in the way we talk to each other, so it can sometimes be difficult for carers to know or understand that the animal is suffering in some way, unless it's very obvious - for example as a result of an accident, or an acute illness. The clues to a problem often come in the form of behavioural issues.

Reiki doesn't treat the actual symptom displayed, but goes to the root of the problem, therefore obviously also affecting the symptom. Generally then, this helps to deal with the unwanted behaviour, and often brings other surprising results. It works well with other therapies - I'd go so far as to say complements and even enhances - whether traditional vet care or other forms of help, such as behavioural therapy. Recovery times are then often reduced.

It should also be noted that Reiki won't change the essential nature of a being. To illustrate, let's say your dog is by nature a quiet dog - this is how they are, and Reiki won't change them into something they're not. However, if your dog has become anxious or confused by something, causing them to become quieter than you previously knew them to be, Reiki may, over time, help to reduce the anxiety and confusion, therefore restoring your dog to its normal state.

What happens in a Reiki Treatment?
I have been attuned to the Reiki (Universal Life Force) energy and it is always running through me; I am trained and experienced in applying Reiki. A treatment is very simple and gentle. I place my hands on or just above various parts of the body to be treated, and the energy will flow into the recipient. It's important that my own energy is clean (by this I mean that it's not encumbered by any negativity or pre-occupation, and that I am in the present moment) and flowing well, so it can take a few minutes for me to get into that special place to enable the best possible flow of energy.

Once I've done this I can set an intention. Reiki energy will go where it's needed, for the being's greatest and highest good; however, it always helps if I can focus intention on where it's needed and what we'd like it to achieve. I'll know what intention to set in two ways - the first is using the information you've given me about your pet's condition, and the second is by tuning into the pet to take guidance from him.

Most animals feel the energy immediately and will move to where they want the energy to be received. They find it calming and soothing, although they might not be aware that it may also be healing a physical hurt. And most animals know when they've received enough - they merely get up and move away. I find that cats can be a little direct sometimes - that's their nature. Some will attempt to bite my hand when they want me to stop; however, this is never done out of aggression, merely to say, that's enough now.

How long and how frequently?
I find a Reiki treatment for an animal averages about 30 minutes, although every need is different, and this is just a guide. I'm often asked how many treatments and how frequently are they needed, and this is not always so easy to answer, certainly at the outset of any treatment. However, it is best to bear in mind that Reiki is generally not a quick fix. Depending on the nature of the problem, I'd recommend at least 2-3 treatments a few days apart each at the start, then a review with the human carer, to explore what improvements have been made, what changes are evident, and to agree how to continue.

As the person who is with the animal all the time, you will be the one best placed to know how they are doing. I always encourage people to trust their intution in this situation.

What do I do to prepare for a Reiki treatment?
The first thing is to spend a few minutes talking to you, getting to know you and the animal, and trying to understand what the issue might be. The real cause might not be apparent to you, so please bear with me while I ask you these questions. In follow-up visits, we'll spend some time talking about what changes you've noticed since the last time.

The next thing is to get myself into the right state of mind and being. I may have battled with traffic to get to you, and it's important that this disturbed energy has left me before I start to treat your animal. I am acting as a channel for the healing energy being delivered to your pet, and it's important that this energy can flow as easily as possible. I need to ensure that I'm calm and focused and that my energy is flowing well - it can take a few minutes for me to get to this point. The Reiki energy will already have started to flow, but the quality will improve the better my own energy is.

Once my energy has settled and I'm focused, I'll feel very close to your animal. Frequently then I can start to pick up on what they're feeling, so I will be guided as to where to place my hands. Intention is also important in terms of helping to direct the energy - once I've got a better idea of what they're feeling and need, I can also help to focus this in the right direction.

Can you stay with me while I treat your animal?
In theory the answer is "yes", but it's not necessarily as straightforward as that. Your animal might feel upset and unsettled to be left with someone they've not met before, so in this circumstance your presence will likely keep them feeling more calm and secure, at least until they've got used to me and the energy.

However, you are fairly likely to be a little anxious for them, and this may have the effect of hampering the free flow of energy. In that situation, your own energy field may be interfering with the energy that I am delivering, which will limit its effectiveness. If you are able to remain with us, but manage any anxiety, just remaining focused on what you'd like the energy to do, then you are welcome to remain. Nevertheless, if I pick up on some difficult energy that's affecting the treatment, I may ask you to leave the room - if this happens, please don't be offended.

Where will the treatment take place?
Normally I will come to your home, as that is where your pet feels most relaxed and calm. To take an animal out of its own environment for such a treatment can have a limiting effect on the value of the treatment, as there will be an element of anxiety introduced to the animal.

It's important that I treat your pet in a place in your home where they feel comfortable. It's also essential that the place is calm and quiet, so away from the TV and family is a good idea. Gentle music in the background can be very useful though, although not essential. If your animal is sleeping quietly upstairs, then it's best that I go to them, rather than disturb them to bring them to me. I'm very used to going wherever the animal is, and can often be found sitting, and crawling around, on floors with them!

If your animal is undergoing treatment or recovering from an operation at the vet practice or animal hospital, I am very happy to come and treat your animal there. However, do please ask the vet first whether they agree to this.

Something to bear in mind
I said earlier that the Reiki healing energy goes to the animal's greatest and highest good. This means that, apart from setting an intention to perhaps help to direct and strengthen, what I am doing is delivering the healing energy in order for it to do what is right. More than that I can neither predict, nor affect, a particular outcome.

I am sometimes contacted by people who have animals who are very poorly indeed. This is frequently because they've tried traditional vet care and it's not done what they desired. They're looking for absolutely anything that might help - over the years they've developed such a bond with their animal that they would do just about anything. However, in some cases, what is best for the animal is that they leave this physical life, and move on in peace.

Reiki is not magic, and won't bring an animal back to life at this stage. However, what it will do - if the right thing is for the animal to pass on - is to provide relief, comfort and peace, and help the animal to move on more quickly.

In less extreme circumstances, we can sometimes be surprised by the outcome of the Reiki treatment - we don't always get what we think we wanted, or were expecting. Again, this is because what we had in mind might not actually have been in the animal's best interests. It's not always easy to see or understand at the time, but as time passes and we look back, the reason for what happened becomes clearer.

Animals approaching the end of their lives
No matter how well loved and looked after, the time will come when the pet comes to the end of their life. This can be a very difficult time for both animal and human.

Sometimes the animal is just getting old and showing signs that the end is close. Other times, perhaps the animal is suffering from a serious illness or has been badly injured. As a loving carer, you want to be sure that your pet isn't suffering. However, you've perhaps been together for a long time, and have a very strong bond, and it can be extremely difficult to know when to say goodbye.

It's tough to know what to do for the best. I find this to be a very poignant time, and with help and support can be a beautiful time for both, saying goodbye in the right way. I have lots of experience in helping both animal and human carer, through the use of Reiki, intuitive communication and counselling. If you'd think I can help, just let me know.

A very important note: If your pet is unwell or injured, please ensure you always consult a vet. In fact, I'm required by law to ensure that you have talked to a vet and the vet is giving permission for you to approach a Reiki practitioner. While many vets are now starting to appreciate the benefits of a Reiki treatments, there are many others who remain very sceptical, and may not be willing to allow this. In this situation, please reassure your vet that Reiki does not hurt or harm any being, and is a completely gentle and benign treatment. I am very happy to take calls from vets who would like to know more.

Reiki does not diagnose, nor take the place of conventional medical treatment; however, Reiki will complement, and give more efficacy to, a vet's treatment - that was certainly my own experience when my own cat Bella was recovering from an operation following a car accident. It will speed up the healing process, and help to calm your pet (and you too!), making the treatment more effective.

If you're interested in knowing more, or think your loved and cherished pet would benefit from a Reiki treatment, please Contact Me to discuss - absolutely no obligation.

Reiki for Animals #02

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